
lunedì 2 marzo 2015

Pazze per il Natale #14

Davvero semplice il vincolo di questa settimana: embossing a freddo!
Questa la mia card

Embossing folders, distress per sfumare, twine e charm.

Qui il post con le interpretazioni del mio team!

Partecipo a:
YNS: sketch #8
CHNC: qualsiasi cosa basta che sia natalizia

9 commenti:

  1. A very pretty Christmas card! Thank you for joining our challenge at Your Next Stamp.

  2. Pretty Christmas card. Love your colour scheme. Thank you for joining us at Come and Get It this week. Judy DT

  3. Lovely Christmas card! Thanks for playing along at Your Next Stamp!

  4. Such pretty colors! What a festive Christmas card! Thanks for playing with us at YNS!

  5. You are so good to be working on Christmas cards already! Great classic color scheme and the embossing really pops. Thanks for joining in the fun at YNS!

  6. How pretty!! Love the sponging over that beautiful embossing folder. Thanks for playing with CHNCC2.

  7. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  8. Your card is really lovely but you need to follow the rules which specify a gruffie or housemouse image has to be used at all times so you won't be allowed to enter the challenge hopefully we will see you next time xx

  9. This is gorgeous, love the colours combo!
    Thanks for joining us over at Sparkles Christmas this month & good luck!
    hugs Jo x

    You can find mycandyhere
    You can find myatc swaphere
