
mercoledì 22 gennaio 2014

3SSS: card #1

Cosa significa quell'acronimo?
3 Socie Scrap (and) Skype :)
Da oggi tutti i post che faremo su skype Letizia, Kicka ed io avranno quell'acronimo, la categoria (card o LO) e il numero progressivo.
Ed ecco la seconda card per Natale 2014 (ah quanto mi piace questa cosa... già mi vedo a novembre rilassatissima perchè avrò fatto tutto... :P)

Cartoncino Opitec, cartoncino Lidl embossato, fiocco di neve toga, strass, nastro (che uso per la prima volta!!) e il timbro è LOTV.

E qui potete vedere quella di Lety e qui trovate quella di Fede.

Partecipo a:
52cct: ricetta (monocromatico, C&S, ribbon and a strass)
Creative card crew: sketch
Seems a little sketchy: sketch
TGOCC:Clean & Simple
HIMC: Clean & Simple
The squirrel and the fox: new stuff (ribbon an snow flake)
Addicted to CAS: New (ribbon and snow flake)
Little red wagon: Clean & simple
Creative Creations Challenge: Less is more

21 commenti:

  1. Nonostante il marrone non sia uno dei miei colori preferiti la card mi piace! Il nastro è adorabile!!!!=^_^=

  2. Fabulous card! I love the embossed background! Thank you for using our sketch and for sharing with us on Seems a Little Sketchy!

  3. il foglio marrone sembra un po' cioccolato.
    Si vede che sono a dieta? : )
    Baci Sandra frollini del casale
    (quelli con pochi grassi in questo periodo!!!)

  4. Oh this is fab! Love the embossed background, the sweet ribbon and fun sentiment. Thanks so much for playing along with 52CCT this week!

  5. Love that embossing folder and the simplicity of this card is stunning. Thanks for sharing this with us at the Squirrel and the Fox for our first challenge for 2014.

  6. Hi Rita. Fabulous CAS Christmas card. Love the embossed background and your beautiful die-cut snowflake. Thanks for joining us at ATCAS.

  7. Such a fabulous layout, Rita! I LOVE the amazing dry embossing! Thanks for joining us at 52CCT! I hope you join us again soon! HUG! :) Mynn xx

  8. What a lovely card! Thanks so much for joining us this week at The Creative Card Crew.

  9. Certo che solo tu potevi pensare di iniziare a fare le card di Natale a gennaio!!!

  10. Fabulous card. Love all the embossing!
    Thanks for playing along with us at Creative Card Crew.
    ~ Crystal (DT)

  11. Great use of monochrome, love the ribbon and the bling, the embossing makes me think of chocolate-yummy! Thanks for using our recipe this week to create your fabulous card
    Louise from 52CCT xx

  12. Eine tolle Karte in sehr schönen Farben gestaltet, herzlichen Dank für Deine Teilnahme an der Glory of Christmas Challenge.

  13. Such a cute card, love the embossing, love the Clean and Simple look!!
    Thanks for joining us at Hiding in my Craft Room
    Cheers Jennie DTM

  14. Wonderful CAS card & the embossing looks fabulous!
    Thank you for sharing with us at Creative Creations Challenges.

  15. Love all the embossing - thanks for entering The Glory of Christmas challenge 25, Glory of Christmas DT - you could also enter this into my CHNC challenge extra for January - I'd love to see it there too. x

  16. Great card Rita. Love the embossingThanks for joining the fun at ADTCAS?

    Karen x.

  17. Your card is lovely! Thanks for joining us at Little Red Wagon :)
    Joanne xo

  18. Fab card-love that its a christmas one! Thank you for joining us at Creative card Crew! x

  19. Beautiful - a very elegant card.

    Thanks for joining us at The Glory of Christmas Challenge.

    Helen x
