
martedì 25 ottobre 2011

Card con zucca

Altra card... molto semplice.
Patterned Moxxie fronte/retro (la stessa della card di ieri) e fustella per la zucca con il cappellino. Ho ricoperto con la colla glitterata verde la punta.

Partecipo a:
Fetch a sketch: #9 sketch
The Crafty pad: #144 halloween
Gingerloft Challenge: halloween or fall
Paper Pretties: violet, green, black and orange

3 commenti:

  1. Hi Rita! What a great card and love the scary pumpkin:)))
    Thanks for joining us at GingerLoft Challenges:)
    Lynn xx

  2. Great halloween card !!

    thanks for joining us this week at The Crafty Pad !!

    hugs Diane xx

  3. Spooktacular use of the sketch! Thanks so much for playing along with us over at Fetch A Sketch!
