
venerdì 16 settembre 2011

Scrapper della Notte: Monogrammi che passione... M di Marco

Io li adoro e ne ho una scorta (come dite? si dice accumulo?)
Questo l'ho fatto per il figlio di mio cugino, nonchè padrino di Giacomo tra un mese!
Lo potrà appendere fuori dalla porta e sarà chiaro a tutti che quella è la stanza di un milanista!
Un'idea regalo semplice ma carina (secondo me!). Qui per i particolari!

Partecipo a:
Kelly kids challenge: for someone special
Craft room: home decor
Jens digi stamp: anything but a card
Use it tuesday: Uninked stamp (I bought the monogram 2 years ago and the stamp is the second time I use it in one year.)

11 commenti:

  1. bello bello..i monogrammi sono bellissimi e offrono un sacco di spunti!!!
    un abbraccio

  2. Ciao Rita, bellissima questa lettera e bello il timbro del bimbo che gioca a calcio.
    a presto da Francy

  3. Brilliant, great decoration for a football mad boy's room. Thank you for sharing with us at Craft-Room Challenge XOXO Zoe

  4. This is fabulous! Thank you for playing along at Kelley Kids Rita and good luck!

    Hugs Hazel xx

  5. This is great fun, and brilliant to hang on a wall or door! Good luck, and thanks for joining in at the Craft-Room Challenge. Maria x

  6. Wow! This is really neat! We are so glad you pulled out those supplies to create with us!

    Thanks so much for playing with us at Use It Tuesday!!

  7. This is a brilliant decoration for a boy - I love it. Thank you for joining us at Craft-Room Challenge.
    xxx Hazel.

  8. Super decoration! Thanks for sharing at Craft-Room Challenge. Kim :)

  9. This is great - just perfect for a little football fan..Thanks so much for joining our Craft-Room Challenge..Esther xx

  10. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing this with us at Jens Digi Stamps Challenge.


  11. Perfect for a small boy who's a soccer fan :-) thanks for joining us at Craft room challenge- Debi x
