
sabato 14 maggio 2011


Esattamente quello di Segesta:Alla fine è venuto fuori un LO monocolore, ma non mi dispiace.
Mahè marrone, patterned varie, timbri Toga di 2 set viaggi e alfabeto Studio Calico.
Le timbrate sono fatte sul cartoncino kraft (notate la freccia... indica proprio il luogo "area archeologica di Segesta", che è scritto nei biglietti!)
Partecipo a:
Once upon a sketch: sfida 1 di maggio - sketch + journaling
Your scrapbook stash: sfida once upon a sketch (sono lo sponsor)
Scrapbookers Anonymous: almeno una patterned + 3 abbellimenti timbrati

16 commenti:

  1. Rita - this is great!!! I especially LOVE your film strip - that is a classic!!

    Thanks so much for playing along with us at Scrapbookers Anonymous!!!!

  2. Thanks so much for playing at Once Upon a Sketch - great layout!!

  3. What a great travel LO, I love the filmstrip. Thanks for playing along with Scrapbookers

  4. Great LO and Great Take on the Sketch!! and it is wonderful to have you at Once Upon... Hope you will play along some more!
    Love your photos... fantastic!
    Lou xx

  5. Very nice way to get that trip scrapped. Love the way you have all the goodies coming out from the sides of the pics!

  6. Yay you put the entrance tickets on. I love it when scrapbook layouts include the actual scraps from the day.

  7. I love the filmstrip... this is layout is fabulous... Thank you so much for playing along with US over at scrapbookers Anonymous.... hugs...xoxo

  8. WOW che belle queste foto Rita!! Belli i colori e i timbri...grazie per aver utilizzato questo sketch e in bocca al lupo!

  9. This is beautiful1! Great photos and love that film strip! Thanks for joining in the fun at Scrapbookers Anonymous!!!

  10. Wowwwwwwwwwww! This is BEAUTIFUL! I loveeeeeeeee the colors and those photos! Thanks soooooooooooo much for playing along with SA! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  11. this is really awesome. I love the movie strip and the photos are great. Thanks so much for playing and stamping with us at Scrapbookers Anonymous. =)

  12. Lovely layout! I'm with everyone else.....I love that filmstrip stamp!!! So glad you played along with us at Scrapbookers Anonymous!

  13. Ehi, Rita, ma quanto viaggi? Le tue pagine sono piene di posti bellissimi!
    Ci vieni al meeting nazionale o i bimbi non te lo permettono?
    ELi (SA)

  14. Love the filmstrip stamp! Great page! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Scrapbookers Anonymous!
